I try to speak at (primarily Open Source) conferences as frequently as possible. Below are slides, notes and (where available) recordings of my past presentations.
Jump to a year: 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
- Supporting the Needs of Future Generations: Open Source Ecosystem Sustainability (Keynote) [Slides]
- Copyright and Licensing Basics for Software Developers [Video, Slides]
Open Source Summit North America
- Open Source Governance by Example [Video, Slides]
Apereo Webinar
- Open Source Governance by Example [Video, Slides]
Game Developer Conference (GDC)
- Open Source Strategy for Game Studios (with Jon Manning of Secret Lab [Slides]
Camunda Bangalore Meetup
- The Basics of Copyright and Licensing for Software Developers Video, Slides, Transcript
Open Source 101
- Entering the Open Source Emerging Market [Slides]
- Let’s put the Free back in Free Market (keynote) [Video, Slides, Transcript]
All Things Open
- Virtual Book Signing [Video]
- The Basics of Copyright and Licensing for Software Developers [Video, Slides, Transcript]
- Sharing more than stories: An introduction to open sourcing parts (or all!) of your game [Video, Slides, Transcript]
GitLab Commit
- Four ways to Further FOSS (keynote) [Video, Slides]
All Things Open RTP Meetup
- How to open source an internal project [Video, Slides]
Open Source 101
- How to successfully enter the FOSS emerging market [Video, Slides]
Hunter College CSci395.86
- Four ways to spread the four freedoms [Video, Slides]
CTO School Melbourne
- The real costs of Open Source Sustainability [Video, Slides]
CERN visit
- The real costs of Open Source Sustainability [Video, Slides]
All Things Open
- Passing the Baton: Succession Planning for FOSS leadership [Video, Slides]
Open Core Summit
- The real costs of Open Source Sustainability [Video, Slides]
PyCon AU
- The real costs of Open Source Sustainability (keynote) [Video, Audio, Slides]
- Care and Feeding of a Healthy Job Hunt [Video, Slides]
- Keeping open source open (panel) Video
- Ask not what Brands™ can do for you (keynote) [Video, Audio, Slides]
Cloud Native Day Canada
- A well-grounded cloud: Exploring the foundations of Cloud Native (keynote) [Video, Slides]
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China
- The real costs of Open Source Sustainability [Video & Slides]
PDX JR Developer Meetup
- Open Source: What even is? How even to? (an introduction to Free and Open Source Software) [Video & Slides]
DevOps Days Seattle online training
- Writing and performing a great conference presentation [Video, Audio, & Slides]
Freenode #live
- Four ways to spread the four freedoms (Keynote); [Video & Slides]
DevOps Days Seattle online training
- Writing a great conference talk submission [Video, Audio, & Slides]
All Things Open
Cascadia PHP
- People Helping People (Keynote); [Video & Slides]
- A 10-ish step program for great tech talks; [Video & Slides]
- How to open-source an internal project; [Video & Slides]
The Perl Conference
- The Importance of Ecosystem (Keynote); [Video & Slides]
- This is what winning looks like (Keynote); [Video & Slides]
- The human nature of failure & resiliency; [Video & Slides]
PyCon US
Open Source 101, Columbia, SC
- You Want to Contribute to Open Source, But…Why? (plenary keynote); [Video & Slides]
- Find and Choose an Open Source Project; [Video & Slides]
The Lead Developer, Austin
Training for a client
- Conference Preparation; [Slides]
Open Source 101, Raleigh
- You Want to Contribute to Open Source, But…Why? (plenary keynote); [Video & Slides]
- Preparing For Your First FOSS Contribution; [Video & Slides]
FOSDEM Community devroom
Training for a client
- Tech Conference Speaking: Abstracts & CFPs & Organisation (oh my); [Slides]
North Bay Python
- Technical Speaker Training Workshop; [Video & Slides]
All Things Open
Velocity NYC
- Find your way: Orienteering for managers (with Deb Nicholson); [Video & Slides]
Open Source Entrepreneur Network Symposium
- How to successfully enter the FOSS emerging market; [Video & Slides]
Open Source Summit, North America
- Technical Speaker Training Workshop; [Video & Slides]
PyCon AU
- The Business of Community; [Video & Slides]
- Passing the Baton: Succession planning for project leadership; [Video & Slides]
- Internet Archive: Universal Access. Open APIs; [Video & Slides]
- Passing the Baton: Succession planning for project leadership; [Video & Slides]
Write the Docs PDX
PDX DevOps
OSCON 2017
FLOSS UK Spring 2017
ConFoo Montreal 2017
SCALE 15x 2017
- Community Leadership Summit X at LCA; [Video of session summaries]
- Business of Community; [Video & Slides]
PDX Linux
- The Business of Community; [Video & Slides]
SeaGL 2016
All Things Open 2016
OSCON London
- The Business of Community; [Video & Slides]
DevOps Days Boise
- Keynote: Industry of Cool; [Video & Slides]
- Care and Feeding of a Healthy Job Hunt; [Video & Slides]
- A 10 Step Program for Great Tech Talks; [Video & Slides]
PyCon AU 2016
OpenWest 2016
- A Crash Course in Tech Management; [Slides]
- Have It Your Way: Maximizing Drive-Thru Contributions; [Slides]
YAPC::NA 2016
- Have It Your Way: Maximizing Drive-Thru Contributions; [Video & Slides]
- Cutting Some Slack: Decoding IRC; [Video & Slides]
SouthEast LinuxFest 2016
- Cutting Some Slack: Decoding IRC; [Video & Slides]
- Internet Archive: Universal Access. Open APIs; [Video & Slides]
OSCON Austin 2016
LinuxFest Northwest 2016 2016
SCaLE 14x
- SCALE Speaker Training Seminar (with Josh Berkus); [Video & Slides]
- Care & Feeding of a Healthy Job Hunt; [Audio & Slides] (no video available)
- Crash Course in Tech Management; [Audio & Slides] (no video available)
All Things Open 2015
LinuxCon North America 2015
- Internet Archive: Universal access. Open APIs; [Slides] (video not available)
OSCON Portland 2015
Open Source Bridge 2015
YAPC::NA 2015
- Failure: Why it happens & How to benefit from it (Slides & video not available for this edition of the presentation)
OSCON 2014
Open Source Bridge 2014
- Crash Course in Tech Management; [Video & Slides]
- Internet Archive: More than the Wayback Machine; [Video & Slides]
- FAIL is Not a Four-Letter Word (unconference session); [Video & Slides]
Open Source Bridge 2013
- FAIL is Not a Four-Letter Word; [Slides and notes]; [References]
- No, I Won’t Contribute to Your Open Source Project; [Slides and notes]; [References]
- All About Coffee (unconference session with the BrewPony team)
O’Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) 2012
Open Source Bridge 2012
- A Crash Course in Tech Management; [Slides and notes]; [MP3 audio recording]
- How We Went Remote; [Slides and notes]; [MP3 audio recording] (I am very unhappy with how this one turned out. I didn’t leave myself enough time to practice and edit the presentation. Needless to say, that was the last time I made that mistake.)
Open Source Bridge 2011
- Marketing: You’re Soaking In It!; [Slides and notes]; [MP3 audio recording]
- Open Sourcing Your Legacy Project: A Game of Adventure, Danger and Low Cunning; [Slides and notes]; [MP3 audio recording] (This session had very few slides/notes and was primarily a led discussion.)